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  • Tags: Ratin

Biserica reformată din Ratin

Biserica reformată este situată în nordul localităţii, la nr. 160 a străzii paralele cu drumul judeţean DJ 191C, având curte comună cu casa parohială. Planimetria edificiului are un caracter modest, nava dreptunghiulară este precedată de…

Stag beetle from Ratin

protected, Natura 2000 species

Landscape of Ratin

meadow - traditional landscape with mosaic structure

Landscape of Ratin

meadow - traditional mosaic landscape

Landscape of Ratin

A traditional agricultural landscape with mosaic structure, which is quite common in Sălaj county.

Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) from Ratin

The red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) is a carnivorous passerine bird, one of the protected, Nature 2000 species. His scientific name reffers to his behavior: lanius means butcher, This bird is abundant in Europe. In winters it migrates to Africa.

Landscape of Ratin

A traditional agricultural landscape with mosaic structure, which is quite common in Sălaj county.