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  • Tags: Nușfalău

Hambar baroc din Nușfalău

Clădirea cu un plan dreptunghiular se află pe colţul uliţei înguste care leagă strada Ady Endre şi strada Gării, în prezent fiind utilizată ca spaţiu pentru depozitarea unor utilaje agricole.

Oak from Nușfalău

common old oak, part of wood pasture

Insect tunnels from Nușfalău

larval tunnel of a longhorn beetle

Stag Beetle (Lucanus cervus) from Nușfalău

The stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) is one of the largest beetles of Romania. Protected, Natura 2000 species, rare in Western Europe, the stag beetle prefers old oaks. Males have impressive mandibles that they use in battels between rivals. It is still…

Yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) from Nușfalău

The yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) is a common species in Romania, even if it is one of those protected, Natura 2000 species amphibians which is declining in Western Europe. It inhabits mostly temporal ponds and it can be found during whole…